גישה חדשה מואצת של דו"ח קולקטיבי גלובלי משרטטת נתיב קדימה במאבק נגד מחלות לא מידבקות







גישה חדשה מואצת של דו"ח קולקטיבי גלובלי משרטטת נתיב קדימה במאבק נגד מחלות לא מידבקות

Access Accelerated, קולקטיב חלוצי של חברות ביו-פרמצבטיות ומדעי חיים מובילות המוקדשות להתמודדות עם משבר המחלות הלא-מידבקות העולמי הגובר (NCD), הודיע על פרסום דו"ח שש שנתי: שיעורי מפתח בקידום גישה לטיפול במחלות לא מדבקות: שיתוף פעולה, קישוריות, קהילה.

New Access Accelerated Global Collective Report Charts Path Forward in Fight Against Noncommunicable Diseases

Access Accelerated and Partners Unveil Findings From Six-Year Report


Access Accelerated, a pioneering collective of leading biopharmaceutical and life science companies dedicated to confronting the growing global noncommunicable disease (NCD) crisis, announced the release of a six-year report: Key Lessons in Advancing Access to NCD Care: Collaboration, Connectivity, Community.

Access Accelerated
Access Accelerated logo

This milestone report highlights the initiative's outcomes, impact, and collective learnings between 2017 and 2022 and serves as a retrospective, a showcase for the initiative's success stories and challenges, and a much-needed vision for the future.

Michael Fredrich, Lead Access to Medicine Non-Communicable Diseases at Bayer Pharmaceuticals and Chair of the Access Accelerated Board, commented, "With the 2030 deadline for the UN Sustainable Development Goals approaching fast, which include Universal Health Coverage, it's more important than ever that we make the most out of our resources and approach this fight strategically. This report gives us the opportunity to critically evaluate our past and use key learnings for the future. It is essential that we share insights and learn from our collective efforts. Much work lies ahead, but this report serves as a valuable foundation for effectively addressing NCDs."

This initiative's impact has already been felt widely. Access Accelerated and its strategic partners - the City Cancer Challenge Foundation, NCD Alliance, PATH, the World Bank and the World Heart Federation - have helped improve access to NCD screening, diagnosis, and treatment around the world, reaching over 700 million people through 54 partner projects in 37 countries and catalyzing $US1.6 billion in investment in 2022 alone. By the end of phase 2 (2020-2022), this number totalled $US3.7 billion. In the same period, Access Accelerated partner projects contributed to policy change in 35 countries and 13 projects were scaled to national level, moving away from pilot phase to locally embedded projects.

Six years since its founding, the initiative has accumulated a wealth of hard-won knowledge and experience. The report highlights those learnings, including the crucial role of open, transparent communication in measuring intangible impact of partnerships, the ways flexible long-term funding can open the way for locally embedded solutions, and why community- and patient-centric approaches are essential to sustainability. By capturing impacts beyond hard numbers, the report demonstrates the importance of local engagement, trust, and social capital in improving NCD outcomes over time.

According to Dr. Juan Pablo Uribe, World Bank's Global Director for Health, Nutrition & Population and Director of the Global Financing Facility, the report demonstrates the importance of rigorous monitoring and reporting. "Learning from our successes and challenges is absolutely necessary if we are going to shape more efficient and effective initiatives that can respond to the growing NCD burden on countries around the world. That's why we're excited to have the insights offered by this report to inform future initiatives and are grateful to the partnership with Access Accelerated which has led to meaningful action in creating sustainable change."

Visit www.accessaccelerated.org to download the report.

About Access Accelerated

Founded in 2017, Access Accelerated is an unprecedented industry-led collective of life science companies united by the belief that no person should die from a preventable and treatable disease. Through the power of collaboration and a proven framework for cooperation, Access Accelerated brings together stakeholders across the private, public and social sectors, including implementers, decision-makers and financiers, in a shared mission of advancing action against the escalating challenge of NCDs in low- and middle-income countries and underserved communities.

Contact Information

Thuy Khuc-Bilon
Communications Manager
[email protected]
+41 79 473 0341

SOURCE: Access Accelerated

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