65 שנה למכון התאולוגי השוודי בבית תבור


The Swedish Theological Institute (STI) in Jerusalem, under the auspice of the Church of Sweden has since 1951 been a place for academic study, research and education. It is a place for interreligious dialogue through promoting peace and coexistence. On Wednesday June 1, we celebrate STI’s 65th anniversary. Students are at the core of our mission to foster for peace, meeting ‘the other’ and continuously question our own perceptions and understandings of theology and the world we live in. When STI looks in the back mirror we see reflections of the past teaching us to respect what has been, yet simultaneously reminding us not to drive in reverse, but rather to pick up speed towards the future. These sixty-five years are not a sign of retirement, rather the numbers of years give us experience and expertise that is confidence to run full throttle ahead. Friends of the STI are the ones who help us to theologically navigate between sensitive poles of extremism and humanism in a world that constantly challenges encounters with the other’s – whoever they might be. Hope is our future. Hope is the fuel in our engine, may it give us the courage to run the engine for the next sixty-five years to come. The anniversary program is threefold: 1. Academic Symposium at 9 am Pilgrimage in the Abrahamic Traditions, which was held in memory of Professor R.J.Zwi Werblowsky (1924-2015) and marking the 65th anniversary of the Institute. Werblowsky familiy will also be present. Late Professor R.J. Zwi Werblowsky has been a tremendous inspiration for scholars around the world, and a forerunner for academic interfaith dialogue. Not to mention significance of his work for our understandings of the Abrahamic traditions and the special role that Jerusalem as a city takes in these. He has been, and in his academic heritage he still continues to be a guide, a mentor and a teacher in our search for understanding contemporary perceptions of the place. STI:s Professor Jesper Svartvik is moderator for the symposium. Among the keynote speakers are Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer from University of California at Santa Barbara “Pilgrimage in the Global Era” and Dr. Razaq Raj, Leeds Beckett “University Spiritual and Interior Pilgrimage Development of Muslims According to the Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”. 2. An exhibition of the Institute's 65 years in the famous Tabor House, originally the family house of a German born architect named Conrad Schick, who so happens to be perhaps the most famous architect in Jerusalem? I invite you to have a look at the exhibit and STI’ thanks the DVHL, and the Christ Church in Old City for lending us the Conrad Schick models that are now on display in the entrance of the house. Previous director of STI, Dr Håkan Bengtsson has published a booklet of STI’s history entitled The Swedish Theological Institute – a venture from Vienna to Jerusalem. 3. Evening reception at 6 pm in the beautiful and peaceful courtyard of STI is the culmination of the anniversary day. This event is for our friends in Jerusalem, without them there would not be any dialogue: it is these friends who through the Institute’s 65 years of operation have carried us further, challenges us, and inspires us to keep up the spirit of the place of being a meeting place for people of different traditions and faith communities. STI would be nothing without its network of friends, students, visitors and guests. For more info, see our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swedish-TheologicalInstitute-in-Jerusalem/383950621650476 Web-page: https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/default.aspx?id=706496 Contact: Dr. Maria Leppäkari, Director [email protected] or phone 053-5251587

כתבות נוספות בקטגוריה פוליטיקה, ממשל, דוברות ולוביסטים

מתילדה מלכת בלגיה, הנסיך הארי, הדוכס מסאסקס, פורסט ויטאקר, ראשי סוכנויות האו"ם ונכבדים אחרים הצטרפו לניצולים ולפעילים למען הפסקת האלימות נגד ילדים בניו יורק, במהלך העצרת הכללית של האו"ם מלכת בלגיה מתילדה, הנסיך הארי, הדוכס מסאסקס, ראשי
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