בומברדייה זכתה בפרס Aviation Week Network Laureate עבור משמריות סביבתית


בומברדייה זכתה בפרס Aviation Week Network Laureate עבור משמריות סביבתית

*היוזמה התקדימית של בומברדייה לפרסום הצהרות מוצר סביבתיות זכתה לשבחים בטקס פרסי חתני הפרס של רשת שבוע התעופה לשנת 2025

*החברה היא יצרנית מטוסי המנהלים היחידה בעולם שחשפה בפומבי את טביעת הרגל הסביבתית של כל פורטפוליו המטוסים שלה בייצור לאורך מחזור החיים המלא שלהם

מונטריאול, 7 במרץ 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Bombardier גאה להודיע ​​כי זכתה להכרה עם פרס Aviation Week Laureate  עבור פרסום הצהרות מוצר סביבתיות (EPD) עבור כל המטוסים שלה שנמצאים כיום בייצור. פרס זה מהווה הכרה  במאמצים החלוציים של החברה לחשיפה סביבתית בתעשיית התעופה והחלל. היוזמה, משימה משמעותית בהובלת צוות החדשנות במטוסים של בומברדייה, שמערבת מספר גורמים פנימיים וחיצוניים, נועדה למדוד ולתקשר את טביעת הרגל הסביבתית של מטוסי החברה לאורך מחזור חייהם המלא, ומגלמת את רוח הקידמה, החדשנות והמנהיגות שלה.

Bombardier Honored with Aviation Week Network Laureate Award for Environmental Stewardship

  • Bombardier’s precedent-setting initiative to publish Environmental Product Declarations commended at the 2025 Aviation Week Network’s Laureate Awards
  • The company is the only business jet manufacturer in the world to publicly disclose the environmental footprint of its entire in-production aircraft portfolio over their full life cycle


Bombardier is proud to announce that it has been recognized as an Aviation Week Laureate Award winner for the publication of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for all its in-production aircraft. This honor acknowledges its pioneering efforts in environmental disclosure within the aerospace industry. The initiative, a significant undertaking led by Bombardier’s Aircraft Innovation team and involving multiple internal and external parties, aims to measure and communicate the environmental footprint of the company’s aircraft over their full life cycle, and embodies its spirit of progress, innovation, and leadership.

With the publication of its latest EPD in 2024, Bombardier became the only business jet manufacturer in the world to publicly disclose the environmental footprint of its entire portfolio of in-production aircraft. The EPDs are public and accessible on the company’s website.

“This initiative has set a precedent in our industry and shows how Bombardier is ahead of the curve in openly sharing the environmental information for all its aircraft,” said Sean Johnson, Vice President, Aircraft Innovation at Bombardier. “The development of the scientific methodology behind the life cycle analysis conducted on the Bombardier Global 7500 program years ago is still regarded as an exemplar among our peers. The practice of humbly sharing our environmental data to collectively explore how to drive meaningful improvement should become the new standard.”

As a crucial component of Bombardier’s extensive environmental strategy, the EPDs represent a significant step toward greater transparency. In addition to providing factual insights into optimizing the environmental performance of a product at every stage of its life cycle, the publication of EPDs is an act of accountability and offers valuable information to customers. This environmental expertise reinforces Bombardier’s advocacy efforts for the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and is worthwhile for the company’s long term EcoJet research project.

The 2025 Aviation Week Laureate Awards were celebrated on March 6, 2025, at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.

About Bombardier

At Bombardier (BBD-B.TO), we design, build, modify and maintain the world’s best-performing aircraft for the world’s most discerning people and businesses, governments and militaries. That means not simply exceeding standards but understanding customers well enough to anticipate their unspoken needs.

For them, we are committed to pioneering the future of aviation—innovating to make flying more reliable, efficient and sustainable. And we are passionate about delivering unrivaled craftsmanship and care, giving our customers greater confidence and the elevated experience they deserve and expect. Because people who shape the world will always need the most productive and responsible ways to move through it.

Bombardier customers operate a fleet of approximately 5,100 aircraft, supported by a vast network of Bombardier team members worldwide and 10 service facilities across six countries. Bombardier’s performance-leading jets are proudly manufactured in aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. In 2024, Bombardier was honoured with the prestigious “Red Dot: Best of the Best” award for Brands and Communication Design.     

For Information

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company’s initiative to cover all its flight operations with a blend of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) utilizing the Book-and-Claim system visit bombardier.com.

Learn more about Bombardier’s industry-leading products and customer service network at bombardier.com. Follow us on X @Bombardier.

Media Contacts
General media contact webform

Marie-Andrée Charron
[email protected]

Bombardier and Global 7500 are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. 

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire


לפרטים נוספים: נוי תקשורת 03-6026026 זהר 052-2641769


תגיות של המאמר: Bombardier | בומברדייה |

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