Meltwater משיקה תוכנית שותפים גלובלית חדשה כדי לעודד את הצלחת הלקוחות


Meltwater משיקה תוכנית שותפים גלובלית חדשה כדי לעודד את הצלחת הלקוחות

סן פרנסיסקו, 14 באוגוסט 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Meltwater, ספקית גלובלית מובילה של מדיה, מדיה חברתית ומודיעין צרכני, הודיעה היום על השקת תוכנית השותפים של Meltwater, מערכת אקולוגית הצומחת במהירות של ספקי הטכנולוגיה והשירותים המובילים העובדים יחד כדי לאפשר לארגונים להיות מונחי תובנות.

חבילת הפתרונות של Meltwater משחררת את העוצמה של נתוני מדיה, מדיה חברתית וצרכנים, והופכת אותם לתובנות מעשיות כדי להעניק ללקוחות יתרון תחרותי. עם מערך הנתונים המקיף ביותר בתעשייה ויותר ממיליארד פיסות מדיה ותוכן חברתי המנותחות מדי יום, Meltwater מעצימה חברות עם תובנות קלות לפעולה שמניעות קבלת החלטות מגובות נתונים. חבילת הפתרונות שלה כוללת מודיעין מדיה, קשרי מדיה, הקשבה חברתית, ניהול מדיה חברתית, שיווק משפיענים, מודיעין צרכני ועוד.

Meltwater launches new global Partner Program to fuel customer success


Meltwater, a leading global provider of social, media and consumer intelligence, today announces the launch of the Meltwater Partner Program, a fast-growing ecosystem of the top technology and services providers working together to enable organizations to be insight-driven.

Meltwater’s suite of solutions unlock the power of media, social, and consumer data, transforming them into actionable insights to give customers a competitive edge. With the most comprehensive dataset in the industry and more than 1 billion pieces of media and social content analyzed each day, Meltwater empowers companies with easy-to-action insights that drive data-backed decision-making. Its suite of solutions span media intelligence, media relations, social listening, social media management, influencer marketing, consumer intelligence, and more.

Through the Meltwater Partner Program, Meltwater customers now benefit from complementary solutions, services and technology, enabled by Meltwater’s dynamic partner ecosystem. The creation of the program is an investment into Meltwater’s customers and ensuring that they reap the full benefits of Meltwater's offerings.

The Partner Program consists of global systems integrators, agencies and consultancies, technology partners, cloud partners, regional partners and service partners, all providing a unique value proposition for Meltwater's customers. From joint solutions, to service packages, to agency work, Meltwater’s customer-centric philosophy puts its customers at the heart of this partner strategy with the goal of providing the maximum amount of value towards their business goals.

“I’m thrilled to launch the new Partner Program, along with enablement offers that will help our partners build their practices. Our goal is to always put our customers in a position to succeed, and with our best-in-class partners we are building a robust global partner ecosystem with solutions that enable our shared customers to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow,” said Doug Balut, Meltwater’s Senior Vice President of Global Alliances and Partnerships.

Select Meltwater partners include:

  • Microsoft, one of the world’s leading technology companies, is fueled by its mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Stephanie Cohen-Glass, Senior Director, Communications Strategy at Microsoft said, "We were looking for a partner that shared our vision of reinventing communications with AI, and with Meltwater we found just that. Together, we’re creating solutions that allow PR and Comms professionals to access data and insights in a more natural way, in the workflow they already use, to drive impact.”
  • Dig Human, a digital agency that bridges data, design, strategy, technology and AI, to help organizations accelerate digital transformation, innovation and growth. Rob Harles, CEO and Founder of Dig Human said, "We’re thrilled to be partnering with Meltwater and bringing their world-class solutions to our customers to enable growth, transformation and innovation. Working with a partner like Meltwater helps us to help our clients capture real value from technology and data and build stronger, more enduring human connections with customers, employees and citizens."
  • Point 600, a Communications Consulting Firm specializing in Data Analytics - Brittany Paxman, Managing Partner, Point 600 said, “We’re excited to join the Meltwater Partner Program and help our shared customers leverage Meltwater to make data-informed decisions. At Point 600, we help our clients use data and technology to prove and improve the impact of communications. We've seen firsthand the transformative power of Meltwater's dataset when used in smart ways. Together, we're enabling communications leaders to operate with greater impact, intelligence, and efficiency."

By joining the program, Meltwater partners gain access to a broad range of programs, including access to innovative technologies and exclusive co-marketing opportunities to amplify their brand and accelerate revenue growth, access to our partner portal, lead generation and much more.

Meltwater’s investment in developing a dynamic partner ecosystem, following the appointment of Doug Balut as Senior Vice President of Global Alliances and Partnerships at the end of 2023. Balut is spearheading the development of Meltwater’s partnership strategy, channel sales organization, and partner go-to-market strategies, all aimed at propelling Meltwater's growth, creating more value for customers and solidifying its position as an enterprise-grade suite of solutions.

For more information please contact,
Kelly Costello
[email protected]

About Meltwater

Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social, consumer, and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at

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