NovaSight CureSight (TM) זוכה בפרס פריצת הדרך של MedTech לשנת 2023






NovaSight CureSight  (TM) זוכה בפרס פריצת הדרך של MedTech לשנת 2023

NovaSight, חברת מדטק הממוקדת בטיפולי עיניים לילדים, הודיעה כי CureSight, מערכת הטיפול הדיגיטלית הדו-עינית לאמבליופיה (עין עצלה) זכתה בתואר "הפתרון הטכנולוגי החדש הטוב ביותר לרפואת עיניים" בתוכנית MedTech Breakthrough Awards שנערכה זו הפעם השביעית. תכנית הפרסים הזו מנוהלת בידי MedTech Breakthrough, ארגון מודיעין שוק עצמאי המכיר בחברות, הטכנולוגיות והמוצרים המובילים בשוק טכנולוגיית הבריאות העולמי.

NovaSight מספקת לחולים ילדים פתרונות טיפול בראייה דיגיטלית מבוססי מעקב עיניים על ידי התמקדות בשלושה ורטיקלים עיקריים: טיפול, אבחון ומניעה של ליקויי בריאות בראייה.



NovaSight CureSight (TM) Wins 2023 MedTech Breakthrough Award

CureSight™ Amblyopia treatment device named "Best New Technology Solution for Ophthalmology" for its innovation, impact, and market potential

LOD,/ May 4, 2023 / ACCESSWIRE:

NovaSight, a pediatric-focused eyecare MedTech company, announced today that its CureSight binocular digital treatment system for amblyopia (lazy eye) has been named "Best New Technology Solution for Ophthalmology" in the 7th annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program. The award program is conducted by MedTech Breakthrough, an independent market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies, and products in the global health and medical technology market.

NovaSight provides pediatric patients with eye-tracking based digital vision care solutions by focusing on three major verticals: treatment, diagnostics, and prevention of visual health impairments.

CureSight is an FDA-cleared and CE marked eye-tracking based amblyopia treatment system, designed to replace the traditional eye patching. The treatment is carried out while the patient watches his favorite streamed content from the comfort of his home. By tracking the gaze position of the dominant eye in real-time, the CureSight system blurs its center of vision, while keeping the rest of the image sharp - and providing the amblyopic eye with a normal, high contrast image. This stimulates the brain to complete the blurred image from the amblyopic eye, improving its acuity and developing stereoacuity as the eyes learn to work together.

"Amblyopia, or what's known as 'lazy-eye' affects three percent of the population and puts the patients at risk for eventual vision loss. The gold standard treatment for lazy eye has so far consisted of placing a patch over the strong eye - an old-fashioned solution which suffers from very low compliance," said James Johnson, managing director, MedTech Breakthrough. "With the breakthrough of CureSight's binocular treatment from NovaSight, children develop stereoscopic vision, which is difficult to achieve with the monocular nature of the traditional patching treatment. This breakthrough technology helps to shift treatment into the digital age and we are thrilled to congratulate the NovaSight team for taking home a well-deserved 2023 MedTech Breakthrough Award."

The mission of the MedTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the innovation, hard work and success in a range of health and medical technology categories, including Telehealth, Clinical Administration, Patient Engagement, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Virtual Care, Medical Devices, Medical Data and many more. This year's program attracted more than 4,000 nominations from over 17 different countries throughout the world.

"We are proud to be named 'Best New Technology Solution for Ophthalmology' acknowledging our mission to prevent vision impairments among pediatric patients by developing solutions that are specifically designed for the unique needs and attention span of children" said Ran Yam, NovaSight co-founder and CEO. "In a recent pivotal trial which was the basis for our FDA approval, we compared the improvement in visual outcomes (visual acuity and stereoacuity) achieved by CureSight versus the traditional eye patch. This is the first ever pivotal trial where a digital device was shown to be non-inferior to eye patching for amblyopia treatment in children. We will continue to strive to change the lives of millions of children by introducing eye tracking based vision care solutions."

Additionally, the CureSight system is connected to a dedicated cloud platform which allows the physician to monitor treatment progress and compliance remotely. The eye care provider receives a comprehensive patient vision summary, and progress reports and real-time monitoring of the child's treatment are easily accessible.

CureSight was officially launched in the US and Italy earlier this year with exceptional early adoption by the pediatric ophthalmology community and their patients. Equipped with 3 unique CPT codes in the US assigned by the American Medical Association (AMA) last year, NovaSight is pursuing broad coverage with the aim of making CureSight easily accessible to patients whose future vision and eye health depend on the treatment that they receive in their early years.

About NovaSight

NovaSight is an Israeli MedTech company that focuses on bringing pediatric vision care into the digital age. Founded in 2016, NovaSight has experienced rapid growth by delivering complete end-to-end eye-tracking-based solutions for accurate assessment and treatment of early vision disorders.

NovaSight offers two flagship products, both ideally positioned for remote diagnostics and home treatment: The CureSight™ system is an eye tracking-based treatment for lazy eye designed to replace traditional eye patching. The EyeSwift®PRO system is a comprehensive vision assessment device that accurately and objectively screens for multiple vision impairments within seconds. Additional pipeline products include the TrackSight™ digital solution for myopia (short-sightedness) control, targeted to provide an affordable and accessible solution to help in combating the myopia global epidemic, which is growing at an alarming rate.

NovaSight's management and advisory board is composed of accomplished executives, physicians, researchers, and key opinion leaders in the field of vision care.

About MedTech Breakthrough

Part of Tech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence and recognition platform for global technology innovation and leadership, the MedTech Breakthrough Awards program is devoted to honoring excellence and innovation in medical & health technology companies, products, services and people. The MedTech Breakthrough Awards provide a platform for public recognition around the achievements of breakthrough healthcare and medical companies and products in categories that include Patient Experience & Engagement, Health & Fitness, Medical Devices, Clinical Administration, Connected Healthcare, Medical Data, Healthcare Cybersecurity and more. For more information visit

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Contact Information

Jenny Goldman 
Marketing manager 
[email protected] 
+972 50 9123235 

SOURCE: NovaSight Ltd.


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית ACCESSWIRE


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