פועלים ברחבי העולם, חושבים מקומית: Eviosys פותחת מפעל חדיש בתאילנד







פועלים ברחבי העולם, חושבים מקומית: Eviosys  פותחת מפעל חדיש בתאילנד


ענקית האריזות העולמית Eviosys הודיעה היום על התרחבותה לאסיה, ופתחה מפעל חדש וחדיש בתאילנד. עם השקעה זו, Eviosys תביא את המומחיות והמנהיגות שלה לאזור. בעוד Eviosys צופה להמשיך לצמוח בשנת 2023, המפעל החדש הזה ישמש אמת מידה להתרחבות לשווקים חדשים. התחנה תכלול ציוד חדיש וידידותי לסביבה עם שימוש מופחת באנרגיה ותהיה מופעלת במלואה על ידי חשמל - תוך ביטול הצורך בגז - בהתאם ליעד של Eviosys להפחית את הפליטות ב -20% עד 2027.


Acting Globally, Thinking Locally: Eviosys Opens State-of-the-Art Plant in Thailand

Eviosys is expanding its presence into Asia, opening a state-of-the-art new plant in Thailand with high sustainability credentials. Eviosys Thailand will produce 85-gram, single-serve, drawn aluminium pet food cans, responding to the rapid growth of the wet pet food market in the region.


Global packaging giant Eviosys has today announced its expansion into Asia, opening a brand-new, state-of-the-art plant in Thailand. With this investment, Eviosys will bring its expertise and leadership to the region. As Eviosys looks to continue to grow in 2023, this new plant will serve as a benchmark for expanding into new markets.


The plant will feature state-of-the-art new eco-friendly equipment with reduced energy-use and will be fully powered by electricity - eliminating the need for gas - in line with Eviosys' goal to reduce emissions by 20% by 2027. The aluminium used will be provided by a local supplier located less than 100km from the plant, further reducing the carbon footprint as well as supporting local employment. Eviosys will hire and develop local teams on site, contributing to its ambitious Preserve Together programme and the development of the region simultaneously. For Eviosys, sustainability expands beyond the circularity of its products. The business is keen to lead by example and support local communities around all of its plants globally.

Of the new expansion, Francois Querrioux, COO at Eviosys, said: "Whilst being a global player in the industry, Eviosys also seeks to maintain its roots at all times and support local communities in the regions we invest in. Our expansion into Thailand represents an exciting move into a new market. Sustainability remains the central focus of our operations, and the line of classic drawn-piece aluminium cans that will be produced here for the local market will advance progress towards our goal of being the first choice in innovative and sustainable packaging globally."

Eviosys is offering infinitely recyclable metal packaging. The 85-gram, single-serve, drawn aluminium cans produced in the new plant will serve the local wet pet food category (a segment currently underserved with a 6% annual growth rate). Metal is a strong, durable material, with unbeatable shelf-life credentials which better protect and preserve brands' products and our planet. The 85g format and the durability of metal will both help fight waste across the full supply chain all the way to the consumer's cupboard.

Notes to Editors

About Eviosys:

Eviosys is a leading global supplier of metal packaging, producing food cans and ends, aerosol cans, metal closures and promotional packaging to preserve the products of hundreds of consumer brands.

Eviosys has the largest manufacturing footprint in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with 7,000 employees in 44 manufacturing facilities across 17 countries in the region. In 2022, it generated €2.7 billion in revenue. Eviosys is a portfolio company of KPS Capital Partners, LP.


Contact Information:

Maisie Jenyon 
PR Manager 
[email protected]

SOURCE: Eviosys


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית ACCESSWIRE


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