פתרון יסודות ההיגיינה של Cority זוכה בפרס היוקרתי OH&S להיגיינה תעשייתית לשנת 2023






פתרון יסודות ההיגיינה של Cority זוכה בפרס היוקרתי OH&S  להיגיינה תעשייתית לשנת 2023


פתרון יסודות ההיגיינה של Cority, המסייע לחברות להפחית סיכונים תעשייתיים ותעסוקתיים ולהגביר את התאימות, זכה בפרס היוקרתי לבריאות ובטיחות תעסוקתית (OH&S) לשנת 2023 בקטגוריה של הערכת סיכונים וניהול, המסייע לחברות להפחית סיכונים תעשייתיים ותעסוקתיים כדי להגביר את התאימות. פרסים אלה מוקירים את הישגי פיתוח המוצרים יוצאי הדופן של יצרני בריאות ובטיחות שמוצריהם או שירותיהם משפרים באופן משמעותי את ההיגיינה התעשייתית.



Cority's Hygiene Essentials Solution Wins Prestigious 2023 OH&S Industrial Hygiene Award

Recognition marks third Occupational Health & Safety platinum honor for global EHS software provider

TORONTO, ON / April 11, 2023 / ACCESSWIRE:

Cority's Hygiene Essentials Solution, which helps companies reduce industrial and occupational risks and boost compliance, has earned a prestigious 2023 Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Industrial Hygiene Award in the category of Risk Assessment and Management, which helps companies reduce industrial and occupational risks to boost compliance. These awards honor the outstanding product development achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products or services significantly improve industrial hygiene.

Cority's award for its Hygiene Essentials Solution marks the third time OH&S has recognized the leading global Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) software provider for its innovation in product development. In 2021, Cority won an OH&S Industrial Hygiene Award in the category of Auditing & Compliance for its Compliance Management Solution. OH&S also named Cority's Ergonomics Management Solution a New Product of the Year in 2018.

"This recognition validates Cority's position as an innovative and trusted powerhouse in the industry, delivering to organizations people-first EHS solutions," said Amanda Smith, Cority's vice president of solutions marketing and enablement. "With our strong expertise in Industrial Hygiene and Safety, we are focused on building solutions that not only help organizations achieve operational excellence and protect their employees effectively but make better decisions that lead to a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future in the long run."

According to International Labour Organization (ILO), workplace diseases and occupational injuries are responsible for more than 2 million fatalities annually on a global scale. Despite having industrial hygiene programs in place, organizations are facing challenges due to budget constraints and a shortage of hygiene experts, making it difficult to manage these exposures effectively.

The Hygiene Essentials solution responds to these market needs by providing automated monitoring plans and data transfer, mobile capabilities, employee cohort tracking, and reporting tools for driving data-driven decisions for effective hygiene risk management.

"Our team's extensive background in industrial hygiene and safety, combined with our expertise in designing and configuring solutions for customers, has enabled us to build an unparalleled knowledge base into our software," added Smith. "This means that our customers can benefit from our advanced knowledge and solutions which are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all."

Cority's Hygiene Essentials Solution allows businesses to digitize their industrial hygiene management programs quickly, easily, and affordably. Like all of Cority's Essentials packages, this purpose-built solution combines industry best practices and proven workflows in a ready-to-use, rapid time-to-value offering with scalability for future program expansion. The solution enables organizations to manage all their quantitative and qualitative hygiene exposure assessment data in one centralized place, helping them identify hazards, evaluate and manage risks and develop a comprehensive hygiene program to protect their workforce.

Hygiene Essentials is a standardized version of Cority's comprehensive Industrial Hygiene solution under the Cority Health Cloud. It is also part of CorityOneTM, the company's integrated EHS SaaS-based platform, which provides a scalable and seamless path for future growth. Building on an organization's industrial hygiene program, clients can easily unify all their EHS programs into a single comprehensive platform to uncover key insights and create a single, accurate, and holistic view of EHS performance.

To determine the winners among those nominated in 21 categories, an independent panel of highly qualified judges carefully reviewed and scored each entry. The judges' combined scores dictated the winners of each category.

Contact Information:

Meredith Schweitzer 
[email protected] 

SOURCE: Cority Software Inc.


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית ACCESSWIRE


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תגיות של המאמר: Cority | Cority Software |

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