התקדמות מהירה בהתקנה של ייצור המימן של INNIO


התקדמות מהירה בהתקנה של ייצור המימן של INNIO


כדי להמיר חשמל ירוק למימן ירוק (H2) עבור פרויקט החשמל-מימן-חשמל שלה, INNIO הזמינה שני אלקטרוליזרים בהספק כולל של 2 מגה-וואט מ-H-TEC SYSTEMS. הזמנה זו מייצגת שלב קריטי במימוש אסטרטגיית מוצרי המימן ברי-הקיימא של החברה, במסגרתה כל מפעלי Jenbacher החדשים כבר מוגדרים כ-"מוכנים ל-H2" כבר היום. כל קו המוצרים של מנועי ה-Jenbacher צפוי לעבור המרה לפעולה באמצעות 100% מימן החל ב-2025. במקביל, אספקת המימן הירוק באתר Jenbach מהווה ציון דרך בתוכנית לפעילות אפס נטו פליטת פחמן באתר.

Rapid Progress on Installation of INNIO's Hydrogen Production

INNIO orders two electrolyzers for its hydrogen production plant in Jenbach


To convert green electricity to green hydrogen (H2) for its power-to-hydrogen-to-power project, INNIO has ordered two electrolyzers with a total capacity of 2 MW from H-TEC SYSTEMS. This represents a critical step in realizing the company's sustainable hydrogen product strategy as part of which all new Jenbacher plants are already "Ready for H2" today. The entire Jenbacher engine product line is expected to be rolled out for 100% hydrogen operation as of 2025. At the same time, the supply of green hydrogen at the Jenbach site represents a milestone on the way to net zero operations on site.

The 2 MW system will be constructed in a container design located on the premises of the Achensee power plant of TIWAG - Tiroler Wasserkraft AG. Its subsidiary TINEXT will build the necessary compressor and storage terminals. Locally produced hydrogen - a key enabler of the energy transition - will be transported in a pipeline from the TINEXT compressor and storage terminals to INNIO's primary operations in Jenbach.

At a system efficiency of 74%, the two H-TEC SYSTEMS PEM electrolyzers will produce a total of up to 900 kg of green hydrogen daily. This quantity is enough to power the 2 MW Jenbacher H2 engine test bench. Thus, in addition to solar, battery, and hydropower, the primary operations can also be supplied with green electricity and heat generated from green hydrogen. At its INNIO360 Energy Lab in Jenbach, INNIO demonstrates how the energy transition of an industrial plant works.

"By ordering these electrolyzers from H-TEC SYSTEMS, we are taking the next important steps in further advancing INNIO's pioneering role in green power generation. After all, supplying green hydrogen represents an important prerequisite for the sustainable, economical, and timely implementation of our hydrogen product strategy," states Martin Mühlbacher, INNIO Vice President and Site Manager in Jenbach. "Using green hydrogen to generate electricity allows us to further reduce the carbon footprint of our Jenbach site," Mühlbacher continues.

"At INNIO's energy lab, our electrolyzers will be used to expand a more secure, economical and green energy supply with combined heat and power plants," explains Tobias Fritsch, project manager at H-TEC SYSTEMS. "This technology is the backbone of the energy transition, since hydrogen - as in this case - replaces fossil fuels and, at the same time, can be stored for weeks and even months. We appreciate the trust that INNIO has placed in us and the opportunity to jointly realize this forward-looking project for Austria."

This project is sponsored by funds from the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented within the framework of the Austrian Research, Technological Development, and Innovation initiative "Energy Model Region."


INNIO is a leading energy solution and service provider that empowers industries and communities to make sustainable energy work today. With our product brands Jenbacher and Waukesha and our digital platform myPlant, INNIO offers innovative solutions for the power generation and compression segments that help industries and communities generate and manage energy sustainably while navigating the fast-changing landscape of traditional and green energy sources. We are individual in scope, but global in scale. With our flexible, scalable, and resilient energy solutions and services, we are enabling our customers to manage the energy transition along the energy value chain wherever they are in their transition journey.

INNIO is headquartered in Jenbach (Austria), with other primary operations in Waukesha (Wisconsin, U.S.) and Welland (Ontario, Canada). A team of more than 4,000 experts provides life-cycle support to the more than 55,000 delivered engines globally through a service network in more than 100 countries.

INNIO's improved ESG Risk Rating again secures the number one position across more than 500 companies globally in the machinery industry assessed by Sustainalytics.

For more information, visit INNIO's website at www.innio.com. Follow INNIO on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Contact Information

Susanne Reichelt
INNIO Media Relations
[email protected]
+43 664 80833 2382



*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית ACCESSWIRE


לפרטים נוספים: נוי תקשורת 03-6026026 זהר 052-2641769

תגיות של המאמר: INNIO |

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