NielsenIQ מכריזה על מנהל כספים חדש


NielsenIQ מכריזה על מנהל כספים חדש


מייקל בורוול ימונה לסמנכ"ל כספים החל מ-3 בינואר 2023



NielsenIQ, חברת מודיעין הצרכנים העולמית המובילה, הודיעה היום כי מייקל (מייק) בורוול יצטרף לחברה כסמנכ"ל כספים, החל מ-3 בינואר 2023. בורוול מביא לתפקידו ניסיון עשיר בשוקי ההון ובמנהיגות פיננסית גלובלית.



NielsenIQ Announces New Chief Financial Officer


Michael Burwell to be appointed CFO effective January 3, 2023

CHICAGO, 29 November 2022, (BUSINESS WIRE):

NielsenIQ, the leading global consumer intelligence company, today announced that Michael (Mike) Burwell will join the company as Chief Financial Officer, effective January 3, 2023. Burwell brings a wealth of experience in capital markets and global financial leadership to the role.

With NielsenIQ’s acquisition by Advent International long complete, and the company’s transformation well underway, Chandler Bigelow will leave NielsenIQ after a transition period on January 31, 2023.

Burwell has led multiple finance organizations and worked with capital markets on behalf of publicly traded companies. Most recently, he served as the CFO of privately held Datavant, a health analytics company that is working to connect the world’s health data. Prior to that, he was the CFO of Willis Towers Watson, a publicly traded data and insights-driven global advisory company. Burwell spent over 32 years in a number of senior leadership positions at PwC, where he assisted companies with mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, valuation, and integration.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mike Burwell to the NielsenIQ team at this critical moment in our transformation,” said Jim Peck, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Mike's experience will help support our efforts in driving sustainable growth, managing our cost base, and executing our strategic initiatives. I would like to thank Chandler Bigelow for his tireless leadership in navigating NielsenIQ’s acquisition by Advent International, as well as our own M&A activity and growth strategy. He has been a great business partner and friend, and I wish him well in all his future endeavors.”

''I am honored to have this opportunity to join NielsenIQ. In all my interactions with the company and its people, I have been impressed with the strength of leadership, commitment to clients and collaborative and inclusive culture. I look forward to contributing to the future success of the company,” said Mike Burwell.

About NielsenIQ

NielsenIQ, a global consumer intelligence company, delivers the gold standard in consumer and retail measurement, through the most connected, complete, and actionable understanding of the evolving global, omnichannel consumer. NielsenIQ is the source of confidence for the industries we serve and the pioneer defining the next century of consumer and retail measurement. Our data, connected insights, and predictive analytics optimize the performance of CPG and retail companies, bringing them closer to the communities they serve and helping to power their growth.

NielsenIQ, an Advent International portfolio company, has operations in 90+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population. For more information, visit


Gillian Mosher, [email protected]


Source: NielsenIQ


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*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית Business Wire


לפרטים נוספים: נוי תקשורת 03-6026026 זהר 052-2641769


תגיות של המאמר: NielsenIQ |

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