ג'טקראפט ממנה מנהל מכירות חדש ב-EMEA


ג'טקראפט ממנה מנהל מכירות חדש ב-EMEA


Jetcraft, המובילה העולמית במכירות ורכישות של מטוסים עסקיים, מינתה את אידריס עבד אל-עזיז למנהל מכירות. המינוי מחזק את טביעת הרגל המבוססת של Jetcraft ב-EMEA, כאשר עבד אל-עזיז מביא ידע אזורי נרחב ומודיעין שוק.



Jetcraft Appoints New EMEA Sales Director


LONDON, 15 November 2022, (BUSINESS WIRE):

Jetcraft, the global leader in business aircraft sales and acquisitions, has named Idriss Abdelaziz as Sales Director. The appointment strengthens Jetcraft’s established footprint in EMEA, with Abdelaziz bringing extensive regional knowledge and market intelligence.

Before joining Jetcraft, Abdelaziz was Managing Partner at Swiss-based jet broker, AeroProp, following an eight-year career in investment banking. As Sales Director, Abdelaziz will manage Jetcraft’s sales, acquisitions and trades across 19 territories, including France, Benelux, Southern Europe and Northern Africa.

Pascal Bachmann, SVP Sales, EMEA at Jetcraft, says: “EMEA is an important market poised for continued growth. According to our latest forecast, the share of Jetcraft buyers under 45 has risen by 20% in the last five years, largely driven by activity in this region, and the UHNWI population in Europe, the Middle East and Africa is expected to grow 24% and 21% respectively by the year 2026. We look forward to working with Abdelaziz and drawing upon his experience to support growing demand from EMEA clients in Southern Europe and Northern Africa.”

Idriss Abdelaziz says: “Jetcraft’s data science led approach sets the company apart, providing customers with expert analysis to facilitate even the most complex aircraft transactions. There is a lot of opportunity in the market and I am excited to leverage Jetcraft’s unmatched in-house resources to generate more success stories and build strong, long-lasting customer relationships.”

About Jetcraft

More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For 60 years Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 70+ dedicated aviation specialists across 20+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions and trading at the speed of life.



For more information, please contact Anna Price / Amber George at 8020 Communications.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 447380


Source: Jetcraft




Image of Idriss Abdelaziz, EMEA sales director (Photo: Business Wire)





תוכן הודעה זו בשפת המקור, מהווה את הגרסה הרשמית והמהימנה היחידה של מסמך זה. תרגומים מסופקים למטרות נוחות בלבד ויש להצליבם מול המסמך בשפת המקור, המהווה את הגרסה היחידה של טקסט זה שהינה בעלת תוקף משפטי.


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית Business Wire


לפרטים נוספים: נוי תקשורת 03-6026026 זהר 052-2641769

תגיות של המאמר: Jetcraft | ג'טקראפט |

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