Arm מודיעה על מינויו של טוני פאדל לדירקטוריון


Arm מודיעה על מינויו של טוני פאדל לדירקטוריון


Arm הכריזה על מינוי טוני פאדל, מקרן Build Collective, לחבר המנהלים שלה. פאדל מביא לתפקיד עשורים של ניסיון בארכיטקטורה של Arm ובאקו סיסטם שלה בזמן שהחברה מתכוננת לאפשרות שתונפק.


Arm Announces the Appointment of Tony Fadell to the Board of Directors

News highlights

  • Rene Haas and Tony Fadell to take the stage at Web Summit in Lisbon today to discuss the future of computing and innovation

CAMBRIDGE, England & LISBON, Portugal, 3 November 2022, (BUSINESS WIRE):

Arm today announced the appointment of Tony Fadell, Build Collective Principal, to its Board. Mr. Fadell brings decades of experience with the Arm architecture and ecosystem to his role as the company prepares for a potential public listing.

CEO Rene Haas said, “Tony’s deep technical and product experience will be a great asset to myself and a fantastic complement to the Board. I welcome him to the team and look forward to working together as Arm continues to innovate and power the next wave of technology revolutions, from cloud computing to automotive and autonomous systems, intelligent IT and beyond. The future of computing is being built on Arm.”

Tony Fadell added, “After working with Arm technology for 30+ years, I’m thrilled to join its board. It is silicon's lingua franca, powering hundreds of billions of products. I couldn’t have built the iPod, iPhone, or Nest without Arm, and will help ensure every future builder is enabled by this essential company.”

Haas and Fadell will take the main stage at Web Summit in Lisbon today at 2:10pm local time to discuss the appointment and the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry. The session will be moderated by CNET Editor in Chief Connie Guglielmo.

About Tony Fadell

Tony Fadell is the Principal at the Build Collective, an investment and advisory firm coaching deep tech startups. He is an active investor and entrepreneur with a 30+ year history of founding companies and designing products that profoundly improve people’s lives. Currently, the Build Collective is coaching over 200+ startups innovating game-changing technologies. He is the founder and former CEO of Nest, the company that pioneered the “Internet of Things.” Tony was the SVP of Apple’s iPod Division and led the team that created the first 18 generations of the iPod and the first three generations of the iPhone. Throughout his career Tony has authored more than 300 patents. In May 2016, TIME named the Nest Learning Thermostat, the iPod and the iPhone as three of the “50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time. He is a NYT best selling author of BUILD: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making.

About Arm

Arm technology is defining the future of computing. Our energy-efficient processor designs and software platforms have enabled advanced computing in more than 230 billion chips and our technologies securely power products from the sensor to the smartphone and the supercomputer. Together with 1,000+ technology partners, we are enabling artificial intelligence to work everywhere, and in cybersecurity, we are delivering the foundation for trust in the digital world – from chip to cloud. The future is being built on Arm.

All information is provided "as is" and without warranty or representation. This document may be shared freely, attributed and unmodified. Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries). All brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. © 1995-2022 Arm Group.


Arm External Communications
Eliza Walsh
[email protected]

Investor Relations
Arm IR
Ian Thornton
[email protected]

Source: Arm


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*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית Business Wire


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