CSG משפרת את חוויית הלקוח עם השקת פתרון מעורבות לקוחות ספציפי לתעשייה, CSG Xponent Ignite


CSG משפרת את חוויית הלקוח עם השקת פתרון מעורבות לקוחות ספציפי לתעשייה, CSG Xponent Ignite 

 CSG® (נאסד"ק: CSGS) מאפשרת לחברות לבנות חוויות בלתי נשכחות שמקלות על צרכנים ועסקים להתחבר למוצרים ולשירותים, להשתמש בהם ולשלם עבורם עבור המוצרים והשירותים שהם מעריכים ביותר. כדי להניע חוויית לקוח פרואקטיבית (CX), CSG השיקה היום את CSG Xponent™ Ignite, פתרון מעורבות לקוחות הבנוי ממומחיות ספציפית לתעשייה המאפשר לעסקים לפרוס, ליצור מעורבות ולספק במהירות חוויות הניתנות לכימות בהתאם ליעדים שלהם.  

CSG Supercharges Customer Experience with Launch of Industry-Specific Customer Engagement Solution, CSG Xponent Ignite 



DENVER | Oct. 19, 2022, News Direct:


 CSG® (NASDAQ: CSGS) empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences that make it easier for consumers and businesses to connect with, use, and pay for the products and services they value most. To propel proactive customer experience (CX), CSG today launched CSG Xponent™ Ignite, a customer engagement solution built from industry-specific expertise that enables businesses to quickly deploy, engage and deliver quantifiable experiences aligned with their goals.  


“Companies are frustrated with spending millions of dollars on generic CX tools that don’t produce the outcomes they were sold on. Generating ROI on CX initiatives is what businesses need and what we offer with CSG Xponent Ignite,” said Eric Carrasquilla, president, customer engagement, CSG. “CSG’s expertise is driving differentiated digital experiences for consumers and patients. Xponent Ignite raises the customer experience bar by delivering industry-tailored, pre-built customer journeys with pre-configured integrations that personalize and automate the most important customer touchpoints to drive immediate value to the consumer and achieve faster ROI.” 


"Even with the growing number of deployments, few companies, if any, have mastered the art of delivering a great customer experience. Organizations need easy access today and to be able to connect the dots between programs to realize business results,” said Mila D’Antonio, principal analyst, Omdia. “CSG Xponent Ignite takes the guesswork out of journey orchestration and simplifies it for the end user at scale and with speed.”  


By leveraging CSG Xponent Ignite, businesses can:  


·         Prove and build their CX business case, understand their CX maturity, illuminate ways to generate ROI, and help define a solid CX strategy to drive desired business and customer outcomes.    


·         Speed time to value with 80+ industry-specific, pre-built journeys that quickly orchestrate the most important customer interactions to elevate customer satisfaction, drive customer loyalty, spark upsells, and lead to faster ROI. 


·         Connect with ease and remove data silos by leveraging an API library with 100+ pre-configured integrations to streamline and seamlessly connect to your existing tech stack without ripping and replacing the current IT infrastructure. 


CSG Xponent Ignite empowers companies within the telecommunications, financial services, retail, and healthcare industries to personalize customer journeys through use cases for acquisition, support, growth, and retention. The catalog of journeys is based on best practices across these industries and expertise from orchestrating 50 billion omnichannel interactions around the globe. With Xponent Ignite, healthcare providers can enhance patient care with real-time digital communications such as care plan adherence notifications and appointment reminders. Financial institutions can drive mortgage loan application completions with proactive, personalized reminders and real-time status updates. Retailers can hyper-personalize and target offers to customers in the right channel and at the right time to convert purchases. Communication service providers can retain customers with a promotion roll-off journey. 


For more information on CSG Xponent Ignite and how it can take your customers’ experiences to the next level, visit https://www.csgi.com/products/xponent/ignite/





About CSG 


CSG empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences, making it easier for people and businesses to connect with, use and pay for the services they value most. Our customer experience, billing and payments solutions help companies of any size make money and make a difference. With our SaaS solutions, company leaders can take control of their future, and tap into guidance along the way from our more than 5k-strong experienced global CSG services team.  


Want to learn more about how to be a change maker and industry shaper like our 1,000-plus clients? Visit csgi.com to learn more. 


Copyright © 2022 CSG Systems International, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“CSG”). All rights reserved. CSG® is a registered trademark of CSG Systems International, Inc. All third-party trademarks, service marks, and/or product names which are referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners, and all rights therein are reserved. 



Jordy Spitale 

Public Relations 

+1 (504) 615-8820 

[email protected]  


John Rea 

Investor Relations 

+1 (210) 687-4409  

[email protected]  

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תגיות של המאמר: CSG Systems International | CSG |

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