CSG מעוררת השפעה חברתית באמצעות שותפות עם We Make Change


CSG מעוררת השפעה חברתית באמצעות שותפות עם We Make Change


המטרה של CSG® (נאסד"ק: CSGS) היא לדמיין, להמציא ולעצב עולם טוב יותר, מוכן יותר לעתיד. באמצעות שותפויות קהילתיות, החברה נותנת בחזרה ותקשור הכוח של כל לעשות את ההבדל בקהילות CSG לשרת ברחבי העולם. כיום, CSG איחדה כוחות עם We Make Change, פלטפורמת התנדבות גלובלית המחברת מתנדבים מיומנים עם ארגונים חברתיים, כדי לארח סדרה של ימי שינוי המאפשרים לעובדי CSG לשתף את הידע והכישורים שלהם עם ארגונים חברתיים כדי לעזור להניע שינוי חברתי. במשך שני ימי שינוי, CSGers הקדישו יותר מ -150 שעות כדי לתמוך בתשעה ארגונים חברתיים המחויבים לצמצום אי השוויון ולהגדלת ההכללה הדיגיטלית. רוב המשתתפים נרשמו כדי להמשיך את שירות ההתנדבות שלהם עם המיזם החברתי המסור שלהם. בשנת 2022, CSG שואפת להגיע ל -40,000 שעות של זמן התנדבות עובדים.


CSG Inspires Social Impact Through Partnership with We Make Change


Employees lend professional skills and expertise to help combat social issues and affect positive change


DENVER, Mar. 10, 2022, News Direct: 


CSG®’s (NASDAQ: CSGS) purpose is to envision, invent and shape a better, more future-ready world. Through community partnerships, the company is giving back and channeling the power of all to make a difference in the communities CSG serve around the world. Today, CSG joined forces with We Make Change, a global volunteering platform that connects skilled volunteers with social enterprises, to host a series of Change Days that allow CSG employees to share their knowledge and skills with social enterprises to help drive social change. Over two Change Day, CSGers dedicated more than 150 hours to support nine social enterprises committed to reducing inequalities and increasing digital inclusion. Most participants signed up to continue their volunteer service with their dedicated social enterprise. In 2022, CSG aspires to reach 40,000 hours of employee volunteer time.


“As a global technology leader, CSG aims to dream bigger, where we create a more connected, inclusive and future-ready world that delivers greater impact for our colleagues, customers, and communities,” said Channing Jones, chief diversity and social responsibility officer, CSG. “By volunteering with organizations like We Make Change, our employees gain a better understanding of critical issues facing our communities while leveraging their experience to drive more meaningful impact. Adding social enterprises to our social impact program empowers us to not only serve with our time and intellectual capital but measure the positive impact CSG is making in communities across the globe. We are proud to think globally and act locally with partners like We Make Change that helps us accelerate real-world progress towards solving some of the most vital issues facing our world today.”


The two CSG Change Days supported a total of nine social enterprises, including:


·        Empowr: Teaches black youth students about software development foundations, how to build simple apps, and critical leadership techniques to showcase how their skills can impact the world and help increase the number of black-owned businesses.

·        Leiho: Connects essential goods to vulnerable communities that are living without them - from socks that help the homeless stay warm to groceries that feed children in need.

·        LocalPurse: Local Purse connects travelers with experienced local guides and artisans globally through virtual cultural and shopping experiences, having a minimal carbon footprint, and providing a sustainable way of supporting the travel industry.

·        ZigWay: Gives low-income families and disadvantaged populations access to the everyday goods and services they need to break free from poverty.


"This Change Day was a game-changing opportunity for Leiho to reignite our confidence and motivation towards making a difference where it truly matters,” said Joey Li, co-founder, Leiho. "Connecting with kind-hearted, sharp-minded CSGers helped us to make our brand messaging clear and concise and inject the transparency we desire for our mission. The added value of having access to the rich skills and expertise Leiho needs to implement greater change is critical for our young organization. CSG's originality and commitment to our success primed our imagination to evolve Leiho for massive social impact and influenced our vision of organic growth."


“Employees giving just four hours of skilled volunteer time as part of a Change Day can significantly accelerate the positive impact of a social enterprise,” said James Sancto, co-founder and CEO, We Make Change. “For the social enterprise, they gain access to a vast pool of knowledge and expertise that can help advance their cause and deliver faster results to groups in need. For conscientious companies like CSG, it’s a chance to do more for the world and give their employees meaningful ways to give back to their communities and connect deeply to social issues where they have the power to affect change.”


The upcoming CSG Change Days will focus on improving gender equality. By year’s end, CSG will have supported dozens of social enterprises from all corners of the world.


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About CSG


CSG is a leader in innovative customer engagement, revenue management and payments solutions that make ordinary customer experiences extraordinary. Our cloud-first architecture and customer-obsessed mindset help companies around the world launch new digital services, expand into new markets, and create dynamic experiences that capture new customers and build brand loyalty. For 40 years, CSG’s technologies and people have helped some of the world’s most recognizable brands solve their toughest business challenges and evolve to meet the demands of today’s digital economy with future-ready solutions that drive exceptional customer experiences. With 5,000 employees in over 20 countries, CSG is the trusted technology provider for leading global brands in telecommunications, retail, financial services, and healthcare. Our solutions deliver real world outcomes to more than 900 customers in over 120 countries.


To learn more, visit us at csgi.com and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


About We Make Change


We Make Change connects skilled volunteers with Social Enterprises changing the world. We enable individuals and employees to volunteer their skills online to support the causes they care about with the time they can give. Our Change Day online volunteering events bring together corporate teams to develop their skills, connect with colleagues, and make change in just a few hours. With a fast-growing community of over 25,000 volunteers supporting more than 650 Social Enterprises in over 100 countries across the world, We Make Change enables anyone, anywhere to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


To learn more or get involved, visit us at wemakechange.org and connect with us on LinkedIn.


Copyright © 2022 CSG Systems International, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“CSG”). All rights reserved. CSG® is a registered trademark of CSG Systems International, Inc. All third-party trademarks, service marks, and/or product names which are referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners, and all rights therein are reserved.




Kristine Østergaard

Public Relations

+44 (0)79 2047 7204

[email protected]


John Rea

Investor Relations

+1 (210) 687-4409 

[email protected]


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית  News Direct


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