CSG חוגגת ציון דרך ליישום הפתרון עטור הפרסים שלה



CSG חוגגת ציון דרך ליישום הפתרון עטור הפרסים שלה


CSG עוזרת לחברות החדשניות ביותר בעולם להקל על המורכבות של ההמרה העסקית באמצעות מעורבות חדשנית של לקוחות, ניהול הכנסות ופתרונות תשלומים. היום בקונגרס המובייל העולמי חגגה החברה את היישום ה-25 המוצלח שלה לפתרון ניהול ההכנסות בענן עם CBTS, חטיבה של Cincinnati Bell. יישום עדכני זה המתארח בשירותי האינטרנט של אמזון (AWS) מחזק עוד יותר את הניסיון של CSG באספקת תוכנות מאובטחות, מדרגיות וזריזות כשירות (SaaS) טכנולוגיות תמיכה עסקית (BSS) התומכות באספקת שירותים דיגיטליים מהדור הבא.


CSG Celebrates Milestone Implementation of Its Award-Winning


Revenue Management SaaS Solution on AWS


Industry leadership and domain expertise showcased at Mobile World Congress 2022


Barcelona, Mobile World Congress – Mar. 1, 2022, News Direct: 


 CSG® (NASDAQ: CSGS) helps the world’s most innovative companies ease the complexity of business transformation through innovative customer engagement, revenue management and payments solutions. Today at Mobile World Congress, the company celebrated its 25th successful cloud revenue management solution implementation with CBTS, a division of Cincinnati Bell. This latest implementation hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) further solidifies CSG’s experience in delivering secure, scalable and agile software as a service (SaaS) business support systems (BSS) technologies that support the delivery of next-gen digital services.


Over the past decade, CSG has built the cloud revenue management market through collaborative innovation and flawless execution on AWS,” said Chad Dunavant, Chief Strategy and Product Officer at CSG. “Our work with forward-thinking brands, like CBTS, highlights our technical expertise and strategic vision to create extraordinary experiences not only for our customers, but for our customers’ customers. In this highly competitive age of converged connectivity, we have set the standard for how communications service providers can seamlessly build and offer dynamic, compelling digital services, while opening the doors to future-ready opportunities.”


Recognized as an advanced tier AWS ISV Accelerate Partner, CSG delivers high-level customer experiences for global brands, revenue growth at scale, and infrastructure cost savings. The use of CSG’s award-winning, cloud-based solution on AWS helps companies launch and scale new digital services quickly to meet the ever-rising demands of today’s connected consumer economy and stay a step ahead for future growth.


“CBTS continuously evolves to better serve the changing needs and demands of our customers in the digital age,” said Shannon Mullen, Senior Vice President of Administrative Services at CBTS. “To meet and exceed these expectations, we are investing in tools, processes and technology to deliver exceptional experiences to our customers. Choosing CSG provides the foundation for achieving this goal. Not only does the solution give us the flexibility, convenience and efficiencies we need to scale our operations and meet our growth goals, but CSG’s customer-centric culture and strong reputation made it the clear choice for our business.”


“Working together, CSG and AWS make it easier for telecommunications companies to transform and modernize their BSS stacks” said Antonello Arpino, Principal BSS Business Development Manager at AWS. “Using SaaS solutions developed on AWS, telecommunications companies can accelerate their transformation journeys. CSG’s expertise in implementing 25 BSS SaaS implementations on AWS will help telcos of any size address the complexity of BSS transformation and turn it into a competitive advantage.” 


CSG’s portfolio of digital monetization solutions deliver best-in-breed SaaS technology that drive digital commerce innovation and create extraordinary customer experiences. To learn more about CSG on AWS, visit: www.csgi.com/portfolio/csg-and-amazon-web-services/


About CSG


CSG is a leader in innovative customer engagement, revenue management and payments solutions that make ordinary customer experiences extraordinary. Our cloud-first architecture and customer-obsessed mindset help companies around the world launch new digital services, expand into new markets, and create dynamic experiences that capture new customers and build brand loyalty. For 40 years, CSG’s technologies and people have helped some of the world’s most recognizable brands solve their toughest business challenges and evolve to meet the demands of today’s digital economy with future-ready solutions that drive exceptional customer experiences. With 5,000 employees in over 20 countries, CSG is the trusted technology provider for leading global brands in telecommunications, retail, financial services, and healthcare. Our solutions deliver real world outcomes to more than 900 customers in over 120 countries.


To learn more, visit us at csgi.com and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Copyright © 2022 CSG Systems International, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“CSG”). All rights reserved. CSG® is a registered trademark of CSG Systems International, Inc. All third-party trademarks, service marks, and/or product names which are referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners, and all rights therein are reserved.



Tammy Hovey

Global Public Relations

+1 (917) 520-2751

[email protected]


John Rea

Investor Relations

+1 (210) 687-4409 

[email protected]


*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית  News Direct


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תגיות של המאמר: CSG Systems International | CSG |

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