GMS מניעה צמיחה עסקית ומצוינות בביצועים להגברת החדירה לשוק באמצעות הפלטפורמה הדיגיטלית המוכנה לעתיד של CSG


GMS מניעה צמיחה עסקית ומצוינות בביצועים להגברת החדירה לשוק באמצעות הפלטפורמה הדיגיטלית המוכנה לעתיד של CSG


CSG® (נאסד"ק: CSGS) מאפשרת לחברות המובילות כיום עם טכנולוגיות משנות משחק המניעות חוויות לקוח דינמיות וצמיחה עסקית. כיום, Global Message Services  (GMS), ספקית שירותי ההודעות הבינלאומית עבור מפעילים סלולריים וספקית פלטפורמות תקשורת לארגונים, משתמשת בפלטפורמה הסיטונאית הדיגיטלית המשולבת של CSG כדי להגביר את היעילות ולהרחיב את עסקיה כדי להוסיף ערך נוסף ללקוחות. כאשר הטכנולוגיה של CSG במרכז פעילותה, רווחים אלה מעצימים את הביצועים הכוללים של GMS, מניעים צמיחה חדשה ומאפשרים גישה לשוק האסטרטגי בין אדם ליישום.


GMS Drives Business Growth & Performance Excellence to Increase Market Penetration with CSG’s Future-Ready Digital Platform 

LONDON, February 17, 2022, News Direct: 


CSG® (NASDAQ: CSGS) enables today’s leading companies with game-changing technologies that drive dynamic customer experiences and business growth. Today, Global Message Services (GMS), the international messaging service provider for mobile operators and communications platform provider for enterprises, uses CSG’s integrated digital wholesale platform to boost efficiency and scale its business to add more value for customers. With CSG's technology at the heart of its operations, these gains empower GMS's overall performance, drive new growth, and enable access to the strategic person-to-application market.


“At GMS, we aspire to deliver impactful value that sparks growth for more than 900 mobile partners as we continue our journey to become the leader for trusted and transparent messaging worldwide,” said Oleksandr Panov, Chief Financial Officer, GMS. “CSG’s leading revenue management and integrated digital wholesale platform provides the versatility to deliver best-of-breed services to GMS customers and partners. With CSG, we have modernised the way we collect data from the network and injected the agility and scalability we need to react to emerging business opportunities quickly."


With CSG’s solution, GMS transforms how it connects the mobile messaging ecosystem while advancing its traffic processing performance to provide more flexible billing cycles. The improved performance system means GMS can drive more dynamic growth for its B2B partners, increase market penetration, and seamlessly scale as its business grows into the digital future.


“Few markets are as competitive as wholesale telecom, and with players and partners constantly in flux, ambitious messaging service providers, like GMS, need agility to adapt and develop as fast as the market,” said James Kirby, CSG SVP and head of EMEA. “CSG’s digital wholesale platform enables GMS to accelerate its digital transformation and leverage the flexibility and scalability it provides to future-proof its business and enter new markets. We look forward to supporting GMS on this journey and helping to extend its industry leadership for trusted and transparent messaging worldwide.”


CSG's digital wholesale platform empowers communication service providers to take the complexity out of wholesale relationship management and seamlessly manage and scale at pace with increasing transaction volume growth. The platform helps the world's leading brands capture, store, and process customer usage events of any kind. The platform also unifies processes across networks to reduce costs without compromising quality, increases efficiency, and scales digital service offerings to participate and prosper in the digital economy.


Part of CSG’s Revenue & Customer Management solutions suite, CSG Digital Wholesale is the world's most widely deployed and proven partner management technology. Through comprehensive billing, mediation, and revenue management, the wholesale platform helps companies optimise efficiency, protect and improve interconnect margins, and deliver extraordinary customer experiences. CSG has a long-standing track record of delivering innovative wholesale solutions in disciplines such as trading, routing, QoS assurance and billing and settlement. The company has been twice recognised with Frost & Sullivan's Global Stratecast CSP Monetization Interconnect & Settlement Market Leadership Award


About CSG


CSG is a leader in innovative customer engagement, revenue management and payments solutions that make ordinary customer experiences extraordinary. Our cloud-first architecture and customer-obsessed mindset help companies around the world launch new digital services, expand into new markets, and create dynamic experiences that capture new customers and build brand loyalty. For 40 years, CSG’s technologies and people have helped some of the world’s most recognizable brands solve their toughest business challenges and evolve to meet the demands of today’s digital economy with future-ready solutions that drive exceptional customer experiences. With 5,000 employees in over 20 countries, CSG is the trusted technology provider for leading global brands in telecommunications, retail, financial services, and healthcare. Our solutions deliver real world outcomes to more than 900 customers in over 120 countries.


To learn more, visit us at and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


About Global Message Services


GMS is an international messaging service provider for Mobile Network Operators and a communications platform provider (CPaaS) for Enterprises worldwide. GMS brings the mobile messaging ecosystem together by providing a single access point for messaging traffic exchange between mobile operators and enterprises.


As a trusted partner of mobile operators, GMS enables their messaging business by optimizing P2P and P2A interworking while enhancing enterprise A2P messaging traffic management for revenue growth. For enterprises, GMS’s communications platform (CPaaS) enables brands to unify customer communications via a single API and self-service platform, making it simple to send and receive messages orchestrated across multichannel touchpoints - including SMS, Push, Viber, WhatsApp, and RCS.


GMS is headquartered in Baar, Switzerland, with regional offices worldwide.


To learn more, visit GMS at and connect with GMS on LinkedIn and Facebook.



Copyright © 2022 CSG Systems International, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“CSG”). All rights reserved. CSG® is a registered trademark of CSG Systems International, Inc. All third-party trademarks, service marks, and/or product names which are referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners, and all rights therein are reserved.




Kristine Østergaard

Public Relations

+44 (0)79 2047 7204

[email protected]


John Rea

Investor Relations

+1 (210) 687-4409 

[email protected]




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