DSV Air & Sea ו-Augury מרחיבות את הסביבה של מצב מכונות



DSV Air & Sea ו-Augury מרחיבות את הסביבה של מצב מכונות כדי לאפשר ניהול חלקים ולוגיסטיקה מבוסס דיאגנוסטיקה

Augury, ספקית מובילה של פתרונות מצב מכונות מבוססי בינה מלאכותית, ו-DSV Air & Sea, מובילה גלובלית בשרשראות אספקה, הודיעו היום על שותפות חדשה שמשלבת את הדיאגנוסטיקה המנבאת לציוד תעשייתי של Augury עם יכולות הלוגיסטיקה וההובלה ברמה העולמית של DSV. ביחד החברות יצרו מוצר ראשון בענף שמספק דיאגנוסטיקה של מכונות ולוגיסטיקה של חלקים כשירות משולב לחברות תעשייה וייצור.


DSV Air & Sea and Augury Extend Machine Health Ecosystem to Enable Diagnostics-Driven Parts and Logistics Management

Partnership Brings Together Augury Predictive Diagnostics and DSV Global Supply Chain Management Capabilities to Create Integrated Diagnostics- and Parts-as-a-Service Capability

TEL-AVIV, Israel & NEW YORK, 11 August 2020, (BUSINESS WIRE):

Augury, a leading AI-based Machine Health solution provider, and DSV Air & Sea, a global supply chain leader, today announced a new partnership that integrates Augury’s predictive diagnostics for industrial equipment with DSV’s world-class logistics and shipping capabilities. Together the companies have created an industry-first offering that delivers Machine Diagnostics and Parts Logistics as an integrated service for industrial and manufacturing companies.

Customers utilizing both offerings can now have the predictive diagnostics alerts from Augury’s Machine Health solution trigger the delivery of required replacement parts via DSV’s global network. This integration ensures that the necessary parts are available for maintenance or repairs, reducing the need for customers to stock and manage spare parts for crucial equipment. The new offering provides customers increased value during their move towards condition-based monitoring, reducing costs and lost productivity associated with scheduled maintenance, while also mitigating unplanned downtime due to unexpected machine failures.

“Our goal is to offload as much of the logistics burden as possible from our customers so they can focus on doing what matters most – delivering the products and services their customers need,” said Ofir Bronhaim, Innovation Manager for DSV Israel. “Now in partnership with Augury we can extend that value deeper into the manufacturing process itself, helping customers improve supply chain resilience and reducing the costs associated with having to maintain inventories of spare parts and the risks of not being able to get the parts they need when they need them.”

“The value and scope of our Machine Health solutions continue to broaden for our customers,” said Amir Bahalul, Technical Solutions Lead for Innovation for Augury. “As we increase the insights and accuracy of our AI-driven diagnostics, our partners are establishing new ways to leverage those insights, creating opportunities to lower costs, reduce risk and deliver enhanced business value for our joint customers.”

Today, manufacturing and industrial companies are working to meet customer demand in the face of global supply chain challenges, balancing the need to control costs with the need to ensure production facilities are up and running whenever required, often with reduced staff onsite. The new solution from DSV and Augury helps meet these needs, letting customers gain benefits of Machine Health-as-a-service and outsource logistics for parts delivery and supply chain management. Customers can focus on their business production processes while DSV and Augury help ensure key production lines will be up and running.

DSV and Augury will work together to bring this solution to current and new customers, focusing on industries where production downtime has a direct impact on profitability, growth and customer satisfaction.

About Augury

Augury is building a world where people can always rely on the machines that matter. Augury supports its customers by enabling Digital Transformation through superior insights into the health and performance of the machines they use to make products, deliver services and improve lives. To learn more about Augury’s machine health solutions, visit http://www.augury.com.

About DSV

DSV Air & Sea is a Danish transport and logistics company offering transport services globally by road, air, sea and train. Since its foundation in 1976 by nine independent Danish hauliers, the company has achieved rapid expansion and international presence, predominantly through a series of strategic competitor acquisitions.

With headquarters in Hedehusene (near Copenhagen), Denmark, and offices in more than 80 countries, DSV Panalpina employs 60,000 people and collaborates with partners and agents globally.[1] The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen (Copenhagen Stock Exchange) and included in the OMXC25 index as one of the 25 most traded stocks.[2]


Sean Welch
[email protected]

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