סיקסגיל מציגה את Darkfeed


סיקסגיל, Sixgill, חברת איומי מודיעין סייבר מובילה, מאפשרת עכשיו לשלב את המודיעין לפעולה שלה בכל פלטפורמת אבטחה באמצעות המוצר החדש שלה - Darkfeed™. Darkfeed הוא רשימה שחורה של אינדיקטורים זדוניים על סכנה, כולל דומיינים, גיבובים של קבצים וכתובת IP, שנשלפים מאוסף המודיעין בזמן אמת של סיקסגיל מהרשת העמוקה, האפלה והגלויה. Darkfeed , שבנוי בפורמט STIX, משתלב באופן חלק לתוך SIEM, SOAR או כל פלטפורמת אבטחה אחרת, והתוצאה היא יכולת לחזות טוב יותר התקפות ולהגן באופן אקטיבי על הארגונים שלהן.

Sixgill Introduces Darkfeed: Real-Time, Actionable Dark Web Indicators of Compromise Delivered to Any Platform

Automated stream of cyber threat intelligence from deep, dark, and clear web sources integrates directly into a broad range of security solutions

TEL AVIV, Israel, March 17, 2020--(BUSINESS WIRE):

Sixgill, a leading cyber threat intelligence company, now makes it possible to integrate its actionable intelligence into any security platform with its new product - Darkfeed™. Darkfeed is a blacklist of malicious indicators of compromise, including domains, file hashes, and IP addresses, extracted from Sixgill’s real-time collection of deep, dark and surface web intelligence. Structured in STIX format, Darkfeed seamlessly integrates into SIEM, SOAR, or any other security platform, resulting in the ability to better anticipate attacks and proactively protect their organizations.

“For the first time, our automated deep and dark web intelligence is accessible to more organizations. They can leverage unparalleled threat intelligence by integrating it directly into their existing security framework,” said Sharon Wagner, CEO, Sixgill. “Darkfeed is the best security teams’ best-kept secret: it has the most advanced, contextual warnings, so they know about new malware the minute it’s posted, and about cyber threats, before they actually happen. Darkfeed allows security officials to keep their finger on the pulse of the underground.”

Security teams can automatically integrate Darkfeed into their existing security infrastructure. This machine-to-machine setup requires no human involvement to block the threats.

Furthermore, Darkfeed provides early warning of new and otherwise undetected malware threats, allowing security teams to bolster their organization's defenses, hunt for threats inside their networks, and enabling them to better-understand emerging malware trends, tactics, techniques, and procedures.

With the launch of Darkfeed, Sixgill announces the introduction of a daily news update, Darker Things, which features interesting and obscure activities Sixgill’s analysts uncover on the dark web. In order to educate and build awareness, Darker Things will be available to communities and industries at large. Sign-up here to receive Darker Things.

About Sixgill

Sixgill is a fully automated cyber threat intelligence solution suite that helps organizations protect their critical assets, reduce fraud and data breaches, protect their brand and ultimately minimize attack surface. The platform empowers security teams with contextual and actionable insights as well as the ability to conduct real-time investigations. Rich data feeds such as Darkfeed™ harness Sixgill’s unmatched intelligence collection capabilities and delivers real-time intel into organizations' existing security systems to help proactively block threats. Current customers include global 2000 enterprises, financial services, MSSPs, governments and law enforcement entities.

To learn more, visit www.darkfeed.com and follow us on Twitter: @cybersixgill and LinkedIn.


Matt McLoughlin
Gregory FCA on behalf of Sixgill
[email protected] ag

Laurie BenHaim
Director MarCom, Sixgill
[email protected]

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