ניוסטאר מציגה פלטפורמת אבטחה משולבת חדשה



Neustar, Inc. ניוסטאר (NYSE: NSR), ספקית אמינה ניטרלית של שירותי מידע בזמן אמת, הציגה היום פלטפורמת אבטחה משולבת חדשה, שממשיכה לעזור לארגונים להיות תמיד מוכנים להתגונן מפני איומי אבטחה. ניוסטאר לא רק עוזרת לארגונים להגן על האתרים שלהם, אלא גם מנטרת ומאיצה אותם באמצעות ענן האבטחה הגדול ביותר בכל העולם, ועובדים מהמנוסים ביותר, שמשתמשים בבינת איומים קניינית. הפורטל החדש מסכם מידע קריטי ומספק תצוגת דשבורד מאוחדת של כל פתרונות האבטחה של ניוסטאר, בחלונית אחת, כדי לחשוף איומים ובעיות ביצועים במהירות. בנוסף, ניוסטאר הודיעה היום על הוספת יכולות חומת אש ליישומי אינטרנט (WAF) לתיק מוצרי האבטחה שלה, שמתבססות על SiteProtect, פתרון האבטחה החדשני שלה מפני התקפות מניעת שירות מבוזרות.

Neustar Introduces New Integrated Security Platform

Adds New Web Application Firewall Capabilities to World’s Largest DDoS Defense Network

STERLING, Va., 25 July 2017, (BUSINESS WIRE):

Neustar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR), a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information services, today introduced its new Integrated Security Platform, continuing to help organisations stay always on and ready to defend against security threats. Neustar helps enterprises not only defend their sites, but also monitor and accelerate them through the largest security cloud worldwide, and one of the most experienced teams, using proprietary threat intelligence. The new portal summarises critical information and provides a unified dashboard view of all Neustar Security Solutions, in a single pane, to expose threats and performance issues quickly. In addition, Neustar today announced it has added Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities to its security portfolio, building on its innovative SiteProtect DDoS defence solution.

“I joined Neustar because of its deep commitment to innovating and to stay ahead of the most dangerous DDoS and other cyber-related attacks,” said Barrett Lyon, Vice President, Research and Development for Neustar Security Solutions, and DDoS industry pioneer. “It’s our goal to ensure that our customers have the best protection, user experience, customer experience, configuration options and analytics at their disposal. With the addition of WAF technology, we will continue to build our capabilities to combat the most challenging problems, both today and in the future.”

The new Neustar Integrated Security Platform showcases critical security and network performance information – DDoS mitigation activity, authoritative DNS query traffic, blocked query data for recursive DNS, IP intelligence data, web performance load and response times – and delivers it in one place. The platform provides intuitive data visualisation that helps organisations easily monitor and manage critical services and understand their operational state in one glance, while allowing the administration of Neustar Security Solutions from one central point.

Additionally, Neustar continues to make significant investments in its Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) defence offerings by:

  • Quadrupling its global DDoS defence capacity to 4 Tbps, on track to have 10 Tbps online in Q1 2018.
  • Expanding regional capacity in Europe and Asia, with new scrubbing centers in London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Singapore, to improve customer network performance during DDoS mitigations while also supporting regional data compliance requirements.
  • Delivering a new WAF service that provides robust additional protection against layer 7 web attacks with seamless integration and administration of the Neustar DDoS defence platform.
  • Advancing analytics and automation tools to give cloud control directly to customers.

“Neustar is committed to innovating and developing advanced capabilities to prepare for both today’s attacks, as well as what’s coming next,” said Nicolai Bezsonoff, General Manager, Neustar Security Solutions. “With Neustar Security Solutions, enterprises can maximise revenue gains and minimise the risk of revenue losses by delivering a fast, secure and reliable online experience for their end users.”

Geoff Hudson – Searle, Director of HS Business Management Limited and Neustar Client commented:

 “The expansion and progress at Neustar reinforces its commitment to develop and be a leader in providing DDoS solutions to the global market, this includes the proud release of the Web Application Firewall (WAF) to its security offering.”

Over 2,500 leading enterprises and government organisations worldwide use Neustar Security Solutions to keep their organisations secure. Neustar delivers a comprehensive set of solutions for organisations looking to leverage real-time information to improve their security posture.

About Neustar

Every day, the world generates roughly 2.5 quadrillion bits of data. Neustar (NYSE: NSR) isolates certain elements and analyzes, simplifies and edits them to make precise and valuable decisions that drive results. As one of the few companies capable of knowing with certainty who is on the other end of every interaction, we’re trusted by the world’s great brands to make critical decisions some 20 billion times a day. We help marketers send timely and relevant messages to the right people. Because we can authoritatively tell a client exactly who is calling or connecting with them, we make critical realtime responses possible. And the same comprehensive information that enables our clients to direct and manage orders also stops attackers. We know when someone isn’t who they claim to be, which helps stop fraud and denial of service before they’re a problem. Because we’re also an experienced manager of some of the world’s most complex databases, we help clients control their online identity, registering and protecting their domain name, and routing traffic to the correct network address. By linking the most essential information with the people who depend on it, we provide more than 11,000 clients worldwide with decisions—not just data. More information is available at https://www.neustar.biz


Laura Cahill
[email protected]

Source: Neustar

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