92% מהארגונים בבריטניה לא מודעים להשפעה שיש ל-DNS על משתמשי האינטרנט



Neustar, Inc ספקית אמינה ניטרלית של שירותי מידע בזמן אמת, פרסמה היום ממצאים ממחקר חדש על איך עסקים בבריטניה מקצים שרתי ושירותי DNS, ולפיהם ל-92 אחוזים יש ראות מוגבלת לגבי ההשפעה שיש לביצועים של ה-DNS על המשתמשים והמבקרים במשאבים האינטרנטיים שלהם. למרות ש-DNS הוא כלי שירות יסודי שתומך באינטרנט וכל העסקים מסתמכים עליו, המורכבות מכבידה על הראות ול-45 אחוזים מהארגונים יש עד כדי שמונה דרכים שונות להקצות תשתיות DNS.

הדוח, ששמו Winning the domain game: the business case for a specialist DNS provider, הוזמן מחברת הניתוחים העצמאית Quocirca,ומציג מחקר חדש שהתמקד בבריטניה על איך עסקים מקצים שרתי ושירותי DNS לטובת משתמשי האינטרנט הפנימיים והחיצוניים שלהם. אפשר לקרוא את הדוח המלא של Quocirca כאן: https://hello.neustar.biz/2017-quocirca-dns-research-paper-security-lp.html

Neustar Research Reveals 92% of UK Organisations Unaware of Impact DNS is Having on Internet Users

  • 45 percent of organisations have as many as 8 different ways of provisioning DNS
  • 72 percent of organisations reported regularly suffering from critical issues that impact website and application availability


The report, titled Winning the domain game: the business case for a specialist DNS provider, commissioned from independent analysis firm, Quocirca, presents new UK-focused research into how businesses are provisioning DNS servers and services in the interests of both their internal and external internet users.

Key findings from interviews with 100 senior IT decision makers at UK-based businesses in a variety of sectors reveals:

  • Critical Issues – 72 percent of organisations reported regularly suffering from at least one of 6 critical issues that impact website and application availability (including Distributed Denial of Service [DDoS] attacks, network access issues and web server downtime), and 61 percent revealing the same for performance – any of these ‘internet problems’ are potentially DNS-related.
  • DNS Complexity – Despite being relied upon by all businesses, only 8 percent of respondents claim to have full visibility across all areas of DNS, including frequency of dropped requests, cache poisoning, latency and overall load on DNS infrastructure, rendering it impossible to ensure a consistent service to internal and external Internet users. DNS complexity is a major reason for lack of visibility with 45 percent of organisations having as many as 8 different ways of provisioning their infrastructure.
  • Room for improvement – 89 percent of respondents claim to be using a specialist DNS service provider, but just 15 percent have committed to using it for both internal and external DNS purposes to provide advanced features such as mitigation against DDoS attacks, reducing infrastructure load and central management tools to improve visibility. With so few benefiting from advanced features, it would suggest a lack of knowledge about the value add that can be provided via DNS, and what could be achieved by using a specialist DNS service provider.

“DNS has been called the most important part of the internet that people don’t know about and its time IT managers woke up to what a professional DNS service can deliver to business,” said Rodney Joffe, SVP and Fellow at Neustar. “As the report highlights, DNS can be so much more than a website address directory. Provisioned correctly, by a reputable specialist DNS service provider, it can defend the frontline in the fight against cyber-attacks, maximise the use of backend resources, ensure governance and be a rich source of marketing data.”

About Neustar


Laura Cahill
[email protected]
+44 207 559 5632


Source: Neustar, Inc.

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